Fri Oct 4th / All-in Global / Archived
SCHEDULE (all matches are 20 minutes. 5-minute break between matches).
Group A (all matches on pitch 1)
10:00 Team Random vs. Tumas Gaming
10:25 White Hat Gaming vs. Touchbet
10:50 Gaming Laboratories International vs. White Hat Gaming
11:15 Touchbet vs. Team Random
11:40 Touchbet vs. Tumas Gaming
12:05 Gaming Laboratories International vs. Team Random
12:30 Team Random vs. White Hat Gaming
Break till 14:00. The snack bar is open. Panel discussion 13:00.
14:00 Tumas Gaming vs. Gaming Laboratories International vs.
14:25 Gaming Laboratories International vs. Touchbet
14:50 White Hat Gaming vs. Tumas Gaming
Group B (all matches on pitch 2)
10:00 1X2 Network vs. Clarion Gaming
10:25 Casumo vs. Axl Affiliates
10:50 Matching Visions vs. Casumo
11:15 Axl Affiliates vs. 1×2 Network
11:40 Axl Affiliates vs. Clarion Gaming
12:05 Matching Visions vs. 1X2 Network
12:30 1X2 Network vs. Casumo
Break till 14:00. The snack bar is open. Panel discussion 13:00.
14:00 Clarion vs. Matching Visions
14:25 Matching Visions vs. Axl Affiliates
14:50 Casumo vs. Clarion Gaming
Group C (all matches on pitch 3)
10:00 ZP Services vs. Redbet
10:25 Boston Link vs. LV Bet
10:50 Pentasia vs. Boston Link
11:15 LV Bet vs. ZP Services
11:40 LV Bet vs. Redbet
12:05 Pentasia vs. ZP Services
12:30 ZP Services vs. Boston Link
Break till 14:00. The snack bar is open. Panel discussion 13:00.
14:00 Redbet vs. Pentasia
14:25 Pentasia vs. LV Bet
14:50 Boston Link vs. Redbet
Group D (all matches on pitch 4)
10:00 All-in Translations vs. Wazdan
10:25 Kwiff vs. All-in Translations
10:50 Gaming Innovation Group vs. Kwiff
11:15 Game Lounge vs. Wazdan
11:40 Wazdan vs. Kwiff
12:05 Game Lounge vs. Gaming Innovation Group
12:30 Kwiff vs. Game Lounge
Break till 14:00. The snack bar is open. Panel discussion 13:00.
14:00 Wazdan vs. Gaming Innovation Group
14:25 Gaming Innovation Group vs. All-in Translations
14:50 All-in Translations vs. Game Lounge
Group E (all matches on pitch 5)
10:00 ComeOn vs. Odds&More
10:25 Wishmaker vs. Mr. Green
10:50 IGE/Trustly vs. Wishmaker
11:15 Mr. Green vs. ComeOn
11:40 Mr. Green vs. Odds&More
12:05IGE/Trustly vs. ComeOn
12:30 ComeOn vs. Wishmaker
Break till 14:00. The snack bar is open. Panel discussion 13:00.
14:00 Odds&More vs.IGE/Trustly
14:25 IGE/Trustly vs. Mr. Green
14:50 Wishmaker Odds&More
15:20 Quarterfinal 1 – winner A vs. winner B PITCH 2
15:20 Quarterfinal 2 – winner C vs. best runner-up PITCH 3
15:20 Quarterfinal 3 – winner D vs. 2nd best runner-up PITCH 4
15:20 Quarterfinal 4 – winner E vs. 3rd best runner-up PITCH 5
15:50 Semifinal 1 – QF1 vs. QF2 PITCH 4
15:50 Semifinal 1 – QF1 vs. QF2 PITCH 5
16:30 FINAL
Director of Matching Visions Dennis Dyhr-Hansen has confirmed that they will sponsor the bar (from 12:30). SiGMA Cup is, after all, just as much a networking event, at the start of SiGMA, as it is a football tournament.
This year the All-in Translations’ SiGMA Cup will also include an all-star panel discussion (starts 13:00, details on the poster below), an esports cup and a fantasy league by Scout Gaming Group (so make sure to have big numbers on the back of your team shirts).
Email roy@allintranslations.com if you want to participate in any of the events. It’s free for all.
Please RSVP to SiGMA Cup on Facebook here (so we can get an idea of how many non-players will show up).
RSVP to SiGMA esports Cup here. This is played 2 vs. 2 on Playstations so make sure to invite a friend.
All-in Translations is the #1 language service provider for the gaming industry. If you need help localizing or writing content contact us or request a quote. 70+ languages.
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