

How Oddin.gg Expanded Its Reach with Multilingual Esports Content


Oddin.gg is a global B2B provider specializing in esports odds feeds, risk management, and iFrame solutions. To expand its reach to a broader international audience, Oddin aimed to offer its products in multiple languages, allowing users to engage with esports content in their native tongues.


Ensuring precision and quality across all language versions was crucial. To achieve this, Oddin.gg sought a language services provider that could deliver accurate, high-quality translations tailored to the iGaming and sports betting industry.

Selection Process

When choosing a language service provider, Oddin.gg had several key requirements:

  • Support for a wide range of languages.
  • Industry expertise with deep knowledge of esports and iGaming terminology.
  • Consistent on-time delivery and quick turnaround times.
  • In-house quality assurance processes to maintain high content standards.
Attention to detail, commitment to client satisfaction, and a strong reputation for reliability with top clients in the iGaming industry were among key considerations.Dunja Kozic, Product Manager at Oddin.gg

Translation Process

In September 2023, All-in Global acquired Translation Royale’s brand and clients, including Oddin.gg. The transition was seamless, enabling Oddin.gg to access a wider range of languages, including rare ones such as SinhaleseTelugu, and Tamil.


With a team of 130 world-class iGaming linguists and four project managers, All-in Global has been providing human translations of Oddin.gg’s esports content. This includes popular esports titles like Dota 2, Counter-Strike 2, League of Legends, FIFA, as well as e-cricket and e-basketball content.


The expanded pool of linguists available after the transition, combined with their deep understanding of esports terminology and adherence to Oddin’s glossary, ensured that the translations met the client’s specific needs. The entire process, including quality assurance, was completed within an average turnaround time of 5 days.


Thanks to a smooth internal transition, effective restructuring, and our project managers’ consistent approach to maintaining service delivery, the integration process was seamless and didn’t cause any disruptions for us. One of the significant benefits of this transition was the removal of the minimum fee requirement for translation projects, which we had previously. Dunja Kozic, Product Manager at Oddin.gg


All-in Global has been providing human translations of Oddin.gg’s esports content in over 30 languages, including Sinhalese, Japanese, Chinese, Telugu, and Tamil.

Outcomes and business impact

By offering content in multiple languages, Oddin.gg has successfully expanded its global reach and entered new markets. Accurate and culturally relevant translations of their iGaming and sports betting content have enhanced the user experience and received positive feedback from international audiences.


This success is also reflected in key metrics, such as increased user engagement and a wider market presence across numerous countries.


Dunja Kozic, Product Manager at Oddin.gg

Looking to take your iGaming business to the next level? Contact us now at salesteam@all-in.global or fill in the form here. Our world-class iGaming and sports betting linguists are native speakers in 85+ languages, and we offer the best translation and content writing services in the industry. Quick deliveries and satisfaction guaranteed.