Fri Oct 4th / All-in Global / Archived
The friendly and competitive Pentasia All-in League is an opportunity for igaming professionals all across Malta to unite in their love of football. For its 10 year anniversary, Pentasia introduced All-in Translations as manager to the league, which was a responsibility we accepted with pride. The exciting Cup Final was organised on the 4th of May, followed by a lively after-party at Surfside (event pictures below!).
The league’s final Friday could be said to sum up the season pretty well;
- Fair Play is in focus. The moment it was announced that we would start organising the league we made it clear that we would apply zero tolerance to violence. The feedback received indicates this was a principle taken seriously. Unfortunately both teams in the final were missing some players who were abroad, but the ones that were able to play gave 100% and were in good spirits. It was a close match – perhaps contrary to what we were expecting after seeing GIGsters United dominating all their games this season. Betsson is the team with the most trophies in the history of the league, but after a 7th place in the league this year they were an underdog in the final. “The Moneymakers” took the lead after an own goal early in the game, but ended up two goals under in the 2nd half. Betsson came back and scored, making it 4-3 for GIGsters United, and just a few minutes before the end Betsson missed a massive chance to equalize.
- Not counting some complaints towards the referee, there were smiles and fair play all around. Once the referee had blown his whistle, the teams shook hands and cheerfully posed for photographs, which was a heartening sight to see. Fast Track Solutions was handed the Fair Play Award.
- The biggest hurdle we’ve encountered this season has related to all the walk-overs when one team could not make it to the game or failed to show. In response to this issue, and as a means of strengthening the league, we’ll be introducing stricter rules on attendance when the games starts again in September. A particularly problematic example of this was when one of the teams did not show up for the bronze final. We’d like to think that a communication problem had them uninformed as to the correct time and date, as it is disappointing to other teams and us as organisers when a lack of commitment hold the league back. We are happy to listen to suggestions on how to improve this. In any case, the All-in Translations team and the team that did show up for the bronze final had a great time at the stands.
- League Manager Nikola Mraovic and his team of referees did a very good job and have impressed us throughout the entire season. There were, as mentioned, some complaints concerning some referees, but actions have been taken and the feedback from most is that there has been a considerable improvement compared to previous years. Mr. Mraovic is positive to continue for another term, which is fantastic news for the league.
- A priority for us was to enhance the social element of the league and that we thoroughly feel achieved this goal. We hosted three events, all promoted on Facebook, during the season: The Super Final in September, SiGMA Cup in November and the Final After-Party on Friday. These lively events facilitated a lot of friendly socializing and relaxed networking.
Special thanks to League 2 winners Betfair for keeping the party alive.
Smiles all around.
The jacuzzi might have been a bit more inviting had it not been for a cool temperature that night.
Pentasia boss Christopher Vella did a great job as the awards presenter.
GIGsters United goalkeeper Miki Laguardia got the award for most (missed) shots in the final 😉
The Pentasia crew enjoying some food and drinks.
Sales Executive Maciej and HR Manager Eolo from All-in Translations happy as can be.
Below are some pictures from the final.
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