Fri Oct 4th / All-in Global / Archived
Pentasia All-in League – Team Entry Form
With 28 teams confirmed (well 27 but we’re leaving one spot open hoping for one more), we’re very excited to finally see our plans for a major upgrade to Pentasia All-in League come to fruition. We’ve decided to organise it into a league system, with divisions and yearly promotions/relegations.
The point is to make things a bit more competitive for all the teams involved by having something to fight for throughout the season. We want to bring more consistency and more even games. As a result, we’ve also changed the format of the cup.
The first season will need to include a preliminary round (like before). Here’s how it will go down:
The top 5 teams from the 2017/18 League 1 and the top 3 teams from League 2 will be offered a place in the 2018/19 League 1, which will consist of 8 teams that will play each other twice throughout the season.
The remaining 20 teams will be divided randomly in 5 groups for a preliminary round. From each group, 2 teams will be placed in League 2 and two teams will be placed in League 3.
If one (or more) of the prequalified teams for League 1 doesn’t want to play in League 1, they can choose to give away their place and join the preliminary stage. In this case, 4 out of the 5 winners of the preliminary groups will advance to a semifinal/final to decide who gets to play in League 1.
The initial plan is that 2 teams are promoted/relegated from each division when this season ends, but we’ll obviously have to see how many teams will register by this time next summer. Our vision is to keep the league growing and to have divisions of 8 teams each.
This is how it looks now:
League 1
GIGsters United 1 (accepted)
Leo Vegas (accepted)
ZP Services (accepted)
Bethard (accepted)
Kindred (accepted)
Paddy Power Betfair (accepted)
Aspire FC (declined, will play preliminary round)
Betway (declined, will play preliminary round)
League 2/3
SD Services
Catena Media
Fast Track
Axl Affiliates
Blue Lions
Tipico 2
GIGsters United 2
White Hat Gaming
Global Gaming FC
Sparkasse Bank Malta FC
Polish Drinkers
Still with us? Good 🙂 Let’s move to the cup.
Instead of organising the cup at the end of the season – where we start with the meaningless matches between winners of League 1 and losers of League 2, we’re introducing random draws. We’ll start with the Round of 32 where the top 4 teams get a walk-over in the first round. We hope this will result in more even games and hopefully a few cup adventures for the lower ranked teams.
This gets all teams at least 13 matches with an average of 15 matches per team.
By the time you read this, you’ll have been contacted by the league management to provide us with some info and preferences. We’ve managed to secure two slots from 7 pm on Monday and Tuesday – which is something many players requested. The first to reply regarding their preferred game times will get priority, but we’ll try to accommodate everyone’s wishes within reason.
We’ll ask all teams to confirm their match(es) one week in advance to avoid no-shows – like last season.
Thanks for your time and vote of confidence guys. We’re excited about the future of Pentasia All-in League!
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