Fri Oct 4th / All-in Global / Archived
How to make a sale, even when nobody understands what you’re selling.
Killing it with confidence is easy when your product or service is globally understood – but what happens when your audience can’t understand your mission? Having people understand the way things work and the way things should be done becomes a far more complex matter – mostly because there’s a pool of information laced with technical words that just don’t correspond with our active vocabulary. Language is our main means of communication, but not everyone has the same language skills.
This is where individuals working in marketing and sales need to choose the right words in hope of striking the right chords with their audiences. The task is particularly challenging when working in business sectors where the semantic field is complex, technical and strays away from common knowledge. The cryptocurrency and blockchain sectors are good examples of this, where a regular business chat evolving around ledgers, forks, ICOs and mining is about as inextricable to regular folks as German-language opera to Korean pop-music aficionados. How can you get your message across to the non-insiders and educate or convince them about a new product, new technology? We attended the Malta Blockchain Summit with a special ‘Crypto – not cryptic’ challenge up our sleeves to gather some winning strategies.
Do it with confidence
Communicating with confidence is the first step in setting your brand one step above the rest – believing in your solution is the best way to get others on board. If you are promoting a new venture in a secure industry, like blockchain for example, your ambassadors will need to be well versed in the company’s plans and mission when they represent your new adventures.
Marko Jelen from Moon Rock Casino showed a great example of a composed and confident pitch during our challenge at the Malta Blockchain Summit:
Delving deep into a subject and understanding the core principles are two factors that inspire confidence in people. Show your audience you know what you’re talking about and that you fully believe in your service or product.
Go back to the roots
Strategy is probably the first route you’ll need to take when delivering high quality content on a niche product. Studying your market with an in-depth competitor analysis, sussing out the relative keywords to support your content and finding the balance between a forward attitude and intrusive mentality will need to be your priority.
It’s equally hard to sell an over-confident pitch in comparison to a weak-willed proposal. Treat your clients as pitches; start off by understanding the root of their experiences, find the gap that you product is filling and your customers will appreciate your company’s effort to suiting their needs. Ultimately, you need to win your clients over with your charm, talent and overall beneficial qualities with a solid strategic element that fires up your sales.
Back your message with facts
In this information clustered world there’s no saying who the oracle of truth is and sometimes it’s even harder to decipher who the phonies are. Back you material up with facts; if you’re talking about cryptocurrency and the benefits of your provider it’s vital to support your arguments with facts. The more captivating and visual the measures the more effective they will be.
Think about the perks of your service or product and tell your audience what makes you a good competitor in the field by making comparisons to other well-established and highly recognisable companies.
Keep it on the friendly side
Tokenomics is the in-thing at the moment; so a great way to deliver your message and sell more is to be friendly. Keeping a positive attitude and cracking a smile in real life will keep your interactions as genuine as possible. Wanessa Rossiter from Bleutrade managed this part perfectly during our challenge:
Your cheery smile and bright eyes will not translate into the text you are delivering as easily as body language but it’s quite easy to establish a positive tone in your writing, visuals and other interactive media. Take that crypto-token you’re ready to launch and give it life in the way it is marketed – make it something people look out for. There’s no shame in believing in your company’s efforts, it’s a highly positive attribute that helps to keep the ROI on a steady upward rise. Give the blockchain industry viewers’ eyes something easy to look at. Make them feel safe, make them feel as though they can trust you. This is all done by explaining your KYC and AML procedures in a user-friendly way – hitting hard on the pros you offer.
Perfect your (sales) technique
As in all aspects of a business, knowing the technicalities of a job makes the process far easier. Understanding the dos and don’ts of sales gives you the right framework to guide your clients into making the best choices. Understanding more about the sales’ key moments, such as the approach, the handling of objections and the closing, will give you the upper hand and in turn make your job a whole lot easier.
Choose the right words
Ultimately, all the above is done by choosing the right words. Clarity, structure and a certain amount of boldness is what gets your message through – crystal clear. If the nifty new blockchain technology you’re sporting is heavy on swift and transparent transactions; give it a mention and make it clear to your users how great this is. Toralf Lahs performed particularly well in presenting his autoXchange.io business in a clear way, which gave him the win in our challenge:
There are so many ways to get your important news across in an effective manner. Tone of voice is an important element that needs to come into play when you are delivering content and going live with your words. Play the market wisely, choose the right tone for every platform. Social media and traditional media are so different from one another – the way we speak on each social platform plays such a vital role in our conversion rate.
Writing copy that sells is generally the most important part of a marketing campaign; this is what gets your clients to fully believe in your service or product, and even though a picture speaks a thousand words, there’s nothing more reassuring than a well-researched document. Keep it concise, be thorough and instigate trust in your word.
Still struggling to convey your message? “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” No matter how big a Steve Jobs fan you are; you have to give Bill Gates some credit for his constant success in the technology world and this no-nonsense quote. This quote gives us a whole new perspective to dwell upon – unhappy customers. The more we sell, the more customers we will face and of course pleasing everyone is not entirely possible but learning from their complaints will help you refine, improve and finetune the way you present and explain your offer until it gets perfectly understandable to most of them.
Selling a product or service that nobody understands requires confidence, super strategical roots, a fact-pumped explanation delivered in a friendly and attractive way with bundles of clear content that’s ready for the kill. Working with experts such as All-in Translations will help you find the balance between accurate language choice and technical wording that will boost sales. Contact us to start building an effective value proposition for your product or service.
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