Fri Oct 4th / All-in Global / Archived
It’s no wonder why Athena, more often than not, won her battles with Ares, so why shouldn’t sports copywriting utilise the majesty of creative writing?
A question of entertainment
Many see sports writing as a way to strictly get a piece of information from the source to the readers, remaining unbiased throughout, whereas creative writing is the expressive exploration of inventive ideas and themes.
Like Ancient Greek gods Ares and Athena, while the two are of the same breed, they contrast greatly. Ares was a brash god of war who lacked any kind of courtesy; much like standard sports journalism which tends to thrust hard facts at you aggressively. Athena, on the other hand, was wise and intelligent, as is creative writing, which envelops you into the writer’s world and entertains.
The issue at hand seems often overlooked, given that the majority of the major sports media outlets use very little by way of creativity, choosing to focus on getting the stats and facts over in a quick way. But, the internet is vast, and people flock to blogs and the smaller sports sites to get different views on their preferred sports.
The most important aspect to remember is that sport and betting, as a whole, is an entertainment medium. People watch, follow, and bet on sports for entertainment. Those who read articles concerning their sport are seeking further entertainment and further knowledge in the area because that adds to the entertainment value.
While statistics and facts are important to integrate, what really entertains is opinion, because opinion evokes an emotional response – just as watching the sport does.
Creative versus stat-churning
One of the keys to copywriting is to entertain the reader and keep them hooked, at least long enough for them to reach the client link. But some people are opposed to this form of advertising. If the article simply relays statistics and factoids, then the reader hasn’t got a reason to stick around once they realise that it’s an advert. But, if they’re enjoying the read, engaging with the topic, and feel some form of emotional response from the text, they’re much more likely to read it all and follow the link.
To be creative in sports and betting writing, you need to describe the scene, the specific styles of play, what players do well and poorly in aspects that stats cannot show.
To be creative in such a niche field
When sports copywriting, you’re writing for the fans that need more information, crave more entertainment, while also somewhat sneakily advertising. You need to be knowledgeable while also giving them new facts and ideas in an entertaining manner. This is why they read and is what will keep them reading.
Elements of creativity to apply to sports copywriting
These are some of the teachings of creative writing which can be applied to sports copywriting to enhance the entertainment value of the piece and keep the reader hooked:
- Needs to be a combination of instinctual (your opinion) as well as calculated (an organised piece that balances the argument).
- Explore many angles.
- Readers aren’t telepathic.
- To achieve intensity (such as that displayed in live sport) cut the text down to the bare bones.
- Learn to be a good reader first (see how others achieve the mix).
- The conclusion has as much impetus as the whole story.
Creative writing and sports journalism may appear to be at different ends of the spectrum, but by applying some key elements of creative writing to your sports copywriting, you can ensure a more enjoyable experience for the reader. Get in touch with All-in Translations and find out how our writing pros can create sports content that stands out in your industry. Available in 70+ languages.
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