

Data Source:


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.

Data on the left is counted by All-in Global on https://fantasy.premierleague.com/

Data on the right is from


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.


(demographics -> population statistics)

The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.

The numbers here are counted by All-in Global from the Sunday Million tournament on PokerStars on 6th April 2020. This weekly tournament is considered the biggest online poker tournament in the world.

The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.

All-in Global is the #1 language service provider for the iGaming industry. With 12 years of data we believe it’s relevant for our viewers to know how our localization projects are divided. Our staff tend to choose “marketing creative” when it’s not clear how a project should be classified, so this number is often too high in comparison.


The data represents the biggest economy (country) where this language is an official language.


Localization to Serbian can be very interesting, although not an easy task. If approached with alacrity, it can be an interesting journey of transformation. But what challenges of iGaming localization are lurking out there?

Serbian language has two scripts, Cyrillic and Latin

Both are equally well understood by any level of Serbian audience since both are taught in elementary school, but there are differences. Cyrillic is used for official (Government) documents and by certain state institutions. Serbian Latin is much more common in everyday use because it is more “modern proof” — it’s easier to use on computers and smartphones. There is one particular difference, which is very important in localization. Simply put, in Cyrillic script foreign names and terms (“Google” becomes “Гугл”) have to be transcribed, but Latin is more flexible in that regard. Also, the Latin variant is morphologically closer to English and is, therefore, better for SEO-friendly content. However, there is an upside, both scripts are part of the same language, and transliteration can often swiftly cover both options.

In conclusion, it is better to localize to Serbian Latin, as it’s more common, but All-in Global can offer outstanding localization to both scripts.

Enter the “padež“

Arguably the most difficult aspect of Serbian language for foreigners trying to master it — cases (in Serbian: “padeži”). Those familiar with German will know them well, there are four of them (i.e. der, die, das changes to dem, der, dem in Dativ). In Serbian, there are seven! So, what exactly are they? Let’s use an example, an English word “ball” and Serbian translation “lopta“. Let’s see what happens when we add a dash of grammar:


ENG: This is a ball.

SRB: Ovo je lopta.

ENG: Kick the ball.

SRB: Šutni loptu.

ENG: The sneakers are next to the ball.

SRB: Patike su pored lopte.


As you can see, the word “lopta” is in different form in each example. Now, let’s put this into proper context:

A pop-up message to the user: “You won 10 free spins” -> “osvojili ste 10 besplatnih spinova

A free spins counter in the bottom menu: “free spins: 9/10″ -> “besplatni spinovi: 9/10”

It takes knowledge and experience to recognize these potential “traps”, especially when applying translation memory matches or copy-pasting content.

These are just some of the challenges of iGaming localization to Serbian. As Edward Gibbon put it: “The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.” Let All-in Global worry about these challenges so that you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that you provided a good quality product to your Serbian speaking audience.





Officially named the Republic of Serbia, a nation of just 7 million, has been independent from Montenegro since 2006. Seeing impressive evolution in gaming since way back in 1960, 2011 saw the introduction of the New Games of Chance Act. This current legislation saw the abolition of the Serbian Government’s monopoly of iGaming, opening doors to foreign-owned casino operators and heralding a new era for iGaming for Serbia.


The new policies enable the government to blacklist foreign-owned unlicensed casinos from operating within the country, protecting domestic players from shady operators. An important caveat is that players are exempt from prosecution, if playing on unlicensed sites.

Serbians are a discerning community of iGamers, with information regularly shared on online forums. Demonstrating this method of information sharing within the Serbian iGaming community, although not the most scientific approach enables Serbian gamers with personal experiences and a fantastic way to know which providers are legit.


A flourishing community and tech savvy nation, Serbia is pitched to become a veritable goldmine for iGaming operators, while providing Serbian players with the best possible gaming experience.

We recommend you to involve your language service provider as early as possible in the Serbian localization process. This way, you will avoid pitfalls and the need to rework later, meaning you will experience no delays in getting your global growing going. We are quick, reliable, and a highly trusted partner across the gaming industry.


We have a world-class localization team for Serbian and have spent the last decade recruiting Serbian writers with a big passion for games and sports and an impeccable understanding of iGaming terminology. We also offer SEO and audiovisual services in Serbian.


Contact salesteam@all-in.global or click the button to request a quote.

Officially named the Republic of Serbia, a nation of just 7 million, has been independent from Montenegro since 2006. Seeing impressive evolution in gaming since way back in 1960, 2011 saw the introduction of the New Games of Chance Act. This current legislation saw the abolition of the Serbian Government’s monopoly of iGaming, opening doors to foreign-owned casino operators and heralding a new era for iGaming for Serbia.


The new policies enable the government to blacklist foreign-owned unlicensed casinos from operating within the country, protecting domestic players from shady operators. An important caveat is that players are exempt from prosecution, if playing on unlicensed sites.

Serbians are a discerning community of iGamers, with information regularly shared on online forums. Demonstrating this method of information sharing within the Serbian iGaming community, although not the most scientific approach enables Serbian gamers with personal experiences and a fantastic way to know which providers are legit.


A flourishing community and tech savvy nation, Serbia is pitched to become a veritable goldmine for iGaming operators, while providing Serbian players with the best possible gaming experience.

We recommend you to involve your language service provider as early as possible in the Serbian localization process. This way, you will avoid pitfalls and the need to rework later, meaning you will experience no delays in getting your global growing going. We are quick, reliable, and a highly trusted partner across the gaming industry.


We have a world-class localization team for Serbian and have spent the last decade recruiting Serbian writers with a big passion for games and sports and an impeccable understanding of iGaming terminology. We also offer SEO and audiovisual services in Serbian.


Contact salesteam@all-in.global or click the button to request a quote.